Peut être une piste ce matin....suis tombée sur une indication à vérifier
suis tombée sur ça avec cette explication
The bowl dates from 1880 - 1890 and is attributed to Mt.Washington glass.
Je n'en avais strictement jamais entendu parler de cette verrerie américaine
At the top of the Victorian glass era in America, stands the Mt. Washington Glass Company as a symbol of all that went right in antique glass making. As early as 1868, the seeds of this company were planted and reached its full potential at the height of Victorian times, around 1880. Frederick Shirley was most instrumental in bringing this company to its proud place among antique glass makers of the day with the development of the Burmese glass formula that reigned as king of color and form, leading to the production of Thomas Webb & Sons' Queen's Burmese. The Mt. Washingon Glass Company's production covered antique brilliant cut glass, lava glass, peach blow, lusterless white, and very popular lines such as Crown Milano, Albertine, Royal Flemish, Rose Amber or Amberina, Cameo, Verona, Napoli, and Mother of Pearl satin glass. Some of the most exciting antique collectibles in this line are toothpick holders, salt and pepper shakers, sugar shakers, syrups, biscuit jars, covered urns, to name only a few. Some of the finest enamel artists were employed at this well-documented company and their relationship to the Pairpoint Manufacturing Company is legend.
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Cela à bien l'air d'être cela car j'en ai trouvé plusieurs aux USA et attribués à la même compagnie