je vous soumets ce tableau (61/81 cm,77.5 /97.5 cm avec le cadre) que je viens de rentrer, d'un notable Hongrois.
Probalement peint (et en fonction!) en entre guerre.
Si vous avez une idée sur l'homme ou le peintre je suis preneur.
Je le mets (aussi!) içi, car il y a des doutes sur l'age de l'oeuvre.
La date a l'arriére sur le cadre (1964) et les chiffres aprés la signature 925 (pourrait t'il sagire de
J'ai déjà recu ceci en info, d'un collegue sur un forum Anglo/Saxon;
Based on the decorations that I already identified above, I would say the man is a government official of some kind. These kinds of paintings were seen hanging in Hungarian government buildings. They were portraits of high officials who previously held office at the county or national level and who worked in those buildings. In fact, this painting may have been looted from one of those government buildings after the war when the communists took over.
In order to identify this guy, you will probably have to get lucky and find his picture in one of hundreds of Hungarian government almanacs from different categories of government bodies between the years 1920-44. Here is an example of just one of these kinds of almanacs... "Members of the Upper and Lower Houses of the Hungarian Parliament" Almanacs:
This is just one category of almanac! There are almanacs from all the various Hungarian counties and cities as well! Here are two links to examples of Hungarian government officials wearing the same kind of diszmagyar outfit that your guy is wearing:án+fotó&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjRy8nbzujpAhUJ0lMKHQZPCYkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=alispán+fotó&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1Dz9QFYt9UCYI3dAmgGcAB4AIABUYgBnQWSAQE5mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ei=9SXZXpH9EomkzwKGnqXICA&bih=614&biw=1280&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS777US777őispán&ved=2ahUKEwjl9cW6zejpAhWnd98KHdQmAAA4ChCwBHoECAcQAQ&biw=1280&bih=614