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 PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON

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3 participants

Messages : 12496
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2011
Age : 77

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Empty
MessageSujet: PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON   PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Icon_minitimeLun 17 Déc 2012 - 17:50

Bonjour les amis,
Rien trouvé sur ce  E. SOLON ????
et ce Alexandre KAUFFMAN 1838 1915

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Solon10
PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Solon110

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Solon210
PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Solon310
PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Solon410

Dernière édition par PICTAVIO le Mer 10 Juil 2013 - 23:10, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 20396
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2012
Localisation : Lille

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON   PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Icon_minitimeLun 17 Déc 2012 - 18:06

Signature trop/mal éclairée .... Tu es sûr que c'est un S la première lettre ? Suspect
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Messages : 12496
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2011
Age : 77

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON   PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Icon_minitimeLun 17 Déc 2012 - 18:19

Pour l'avoir eu en mains, je vois pas autre chose que S scratch scratch

Difficile de faire mieux , le tableau a du être recoupé et restaurer de façon amateur !

Dernière édition par PICTAVIO le Lun 17 Déc 2012 - 20:01, édité 3 fois
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Messages : 19309
Date d'inscription : 24/10/2009
Age : 69
Localisation : Bien ensoleillée

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON   PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Icon_minitimeLun 17 Déc 2012 - 19:09

Les dates correspondent pour Alexander Kaufman


6, 17S8, in Upper Bern township, then in Montgomery county. Pa., and on
coming to Schuylkill Haven engaged in the flour and feed business, remaining
there until his death, April 3, 1838. He had but one child, George.

George Kaufman, father of Alexander Kaufman, was born in Upper Bern
township, Montgomery Co., Pa., March 25, iSii, and spent most of his hfe
at Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill county, where he was a business man for over
fifty years, engaged in merchandising. He served as county poor director one
term, as school director at Schuylkill Haven, and held other offices. His
death occurred at Schuylkill Haven Oct. 16, 1883. Mr. Kaufman married
Elmire Boyer, who was born Nov. 25, 1818, in Norwegian township, Schuyl-
kill county, of which township her father, George Boyer, was also a native.
He was a farmer there, owning what was called the Boyer tract, between
Gordon and Pottsville. Selling this property he moved to Jefierson county,
where he died. Of his seven children, four sons and three daughters, three
survive: Benjamin, George and Hannah, all residents of Jefferson county,
Pa. Mrs. Kaufman passed away Sept. 28, 1892. She was the mother of eleven
children, namely: John G., the eldest, born Jan. 19, 1838, is deceased;
Charles F., bom Jan. 10, 1840, died Sept. 19, 190S; Elmira, born Feb. 22, 1842,
died July 3, 1844; Emma L., born Oct. 13," 1844, died April 29, 1846; George
B., born Oct. 3, 1846, died March 14, 1913; William L., born Feb. 16, 1849,
died Jtily 25, 1876; Alexander is next in the family; Alice R., born June 5,
1853, li'^'ss at Schuylkill Haven; Lewis, born Sept. 7, 1855, died May i, 1910;
Edward, born Oct. 5, 1857, is a resident of Philadelphia; Samuel L., born
Feb. 25, 1861, lives at Schuylkill Haven.

Alexander Kaufman received his education at Schuylkill Haven, where
his early life was spent. For a few years during his young manhood he
clerked in a store at Raven Run, for E. H. Heaton, and then engaged in busi-
ness at that place on his own account for about three years, at the end of
which period he sold out. Coming to Girardville he again embarked in busi-
ness, remaining at that point until his removal to Gordon, in 1890. He had
come to the borough previously, in 1866, remaining until 1881, and had great
faith in its possibilities as a business location, and he was not disappointed
in his expectations, for he had a successful career as a merchant up to the time
of his retirement. He has always been considered one of the substantial citi-
zens of the place. In 1890 he was elected to the office of supervisor of Butler
township, and reelected the next year. For thirteen years he has ser\'ed as
assessor of the borough of Gordon, discharging the duties of that office to the
eminent satisfaction of all concerned. He is a member of the Lutheran Church
of Gordon.

On Dec. 25, 1875, Mr. Kaufman was married to Josephine Kleber, who
was bom at Pottsville March 5, 1855, and died Jan. 15, 1915. The following
children were born to this union, viz.: William died Oct. 13, 1891 ; Lewis,
who lives at Gordon, is an employee of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway
Company; Raymond, who lives at Gordon, is in the same employ; Carrie is
the wife of Samuel Rubright, of Mount Carmel ; Anna is the wife of Charles
Rinehart, of Mount Carmel: Alexander died Dec. 2, 1881. ]\Ir. Kaufman
owns the home at Gordon which he occupies with his family.

Louis and Phoebe (\\'iken Kleber, I\Irs. Kaufman's parents, were natives
of Gemiany, the father born Dec. 28, 1828, the mother May 4, 1832. They
were married in that country, and on coming to America first settled at Potts-
ville, Schuylkill Co., Pa., thence moving to Cressona and later to Gordon.

La devise de La Nueve... Vaste programme ou lourde tâche...
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Messages : 20396
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2012
Localisation : Lille

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON   PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Icon_minitimeLun 17 Déc 2012 - 19:13

PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON 11722 un peu indigeste .....
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Messages : 12496
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2011
Age : 77

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MessageSujet: Re: PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON   PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Icon_minitimeLun 17 Déc 2012 - 23:19

Finalement je le trouve un peu niais ce jeune homme ! Wink Wink
il a pourtant une tête de premier de la classe ,mais un sourire un peu coincé!
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MessageSujet: Re: PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON   PORTRAIT d'un certain  KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON Icon_minitime

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PORTRAIT d'un certain KAUFFMAN peint par E. SOLON
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